Family-Owned Flower Farm

Discover Unique Blooms for Your Special Occasions

sustainable, ethical, local

At Three Sweet Peas farm, we are dedicated to providing our community and clients with exquisite, lovingly-grown flowers and artful floral designs, all while maintaining a deep commitment to the well-being of our land. Through sustainable farming practices, we foster vibrant ecosystems that support the flourishing of all beings interacting with our low-impact, chemical-free blooms.

This commitment not only benefits the land but also guarantees that our blooms are safe to handle. Whether it’s for the bees, the turkeys, our loyal farm companions, or our beloved clients, we strive to be stewards of the Earth, nurturing both the beauty of our flowers and the health of our environment.

Get in Touch for Beautiful Blooms


Stand Out Blooms

Experience our commitment to unique, organically grown flowers that benefit both the land and community.